Nellie Potapov

Nellie Potapov
is Our licensed and highly experienced cosmetic practitioner
STHCP – Skin therapist & hardware cosmetology practitioner;
CCALT – certified clinical assistant and laser therapist;
Certlfled Member of the International Academy of Aesthetics (IAA) In Beverly Hiiis, USA.
CCR– Clinlcal Cosmetic Regenerative Membership.
Nellie Potapov Is a licensed Master Medical Skin Therapist, Laser Technician & Hardware cosmetology Practitioner.
As well as dietitian-nutritionist (DN)
Nellie started her medical career In 1985 as a physiotherapist in the children’s rehabilitation center ‘”VAIVARY” In Europe Jurmala (latvia)
Then Nellie continued her medical career In ‘”VAIVARY” Centre as a (DO.) osteopath after graduating from the MAO Academy in 2001.
A special sense of beauty & aesthetics caused her to tum her interests to the medical aesthetics field.
Since 2006 she has been graduated and licensed from :
CIDESCO INTERNATIONAL Riga School of Cosmetic medicine , Member or the Board. Prlnclpal Ministry of education and science.
Medical Skin therapist & Hardware Cosmetology Practitioner. Diploma. (MSTHCP)
Dermaloglca® Institute ( USA ) Quallflcatlon grade
Beauty & Skin therapist. cerilflcate.
(EIE ) Institute or Aesthetics & MediSpa Edmonton. Canada J CIDESCO program
Certified Clinical Assistant. laser Technician. Cetificate.
International Academy or Aesthetics (IAA) In Beverly Hiiis, California. Certified Member of IAA
CRCP · Cllnlcal Regenerative cosmetology Practitioner.
As a speclallst, Neille has distinguished strengths In enhancing patients’ personal appearances using the latest technology and continued regular quallficatlon upgrate.
Nellle Potapov Is a Member of a CCR (Cllnlcal cosmetic Regenerative). Council of Cosmetic Practitioners, the only event to unite surgical and non· surgical aesthetic communities.
Nellle possesses a special talent for analyzing skin and determining a successful plan of treatment for the best results.
She has an extensive background In medical aesthetics and she enjoys pairing her medical experience and artistic eye to provide patients with a holistic and comprehensive treatment experience.
Nellle has a pleasant personality with a proven track record of practicing safe and effective hardware cosmetology and medical regenerative aesthetics.
She delivers a bespoke experience that Is undeniably unique for every individual.
Nellle has an excellent education and she Is a highly trained specialist, who listens to your specific requests and concerns to provide a level or personalized service that Is unmatched.

Nellie believes the medical aesthetics Industry offers an on-going learning experience, and keeping up with available knowledge Is a key to being the best speclallst possible In this field.